Lazy rascals, spending their substance, and more, in riotous living

Never lost his hardcore

Except, in a baffling and depressing turn of events, I do appear to have lost my happy hardcore CDs. I was writing a post, and I thought I should upload a particular track to illustrate it. So, I start looking through my CDs, and there’s no DJ Sy, no Hixxy, no Unknown And The Evolution. I can’t really explain it. Did I leave them in England? Did I really prepare to move a couple of thousand miles by discarding these CDs, pausing only to rip a copy of Raver’s Choice No. 7? Or perhaps they were stolen? Did the people who pinched my laptop also rifle through my CDs looking for mid-90s dance music from the north of England? Neither explanation is very satisfying.

Les bee-dogs sont un humanisme

Man is what he is not, and is not what he is.

— Sartre

And, of course, infinite thought’s recent extraordinary idea is not just TV gold, but also an exemplary humanism-beyond-humanism.