Lazy rascals, spending their substance, and more, in riotous living

Žižek for Obama?

On today’s Democracy Now:

And although I don’t have too many big hopes about—because I’m naturally a pessimist—about Barack, I think that here he has, if he will be elected, some space to do—to do things, you know, small symbolic gestures, but which are not only small symbolic gestures, like—I don’t know—a [inaudible] tribunal to clarify all this Guantanamo waterboarding stuff, repair relations with Latin America, open relations with Cuba, and so on.

It occurs to me that the transcriber’s faulty hearing was rather felicitous. I’m sure that if any US president sets up a tribunal to  “clarify all this Guantanamo waterboarding stuff,” they will indeed make sure that it remains inaudible.